Marketable Securities:

Transfer ownership of stocks, bonds or mutual fund shares Marketable Securities are a great way to maximize your giving because you receive an immediate income tax deduction for the full fair market value of your securities. In addition, you pay no capital gains tax on the difference between your cost and the fair market value. You can give stock by going to

Donate items like real estate, cars, boats, jewelry, etc.

Did you know that over 90% of the world’s wealth is held in assets, not cash? That means that most of your giving capacity is tied up in your “stuff,” not your checkbook. Real Life can accept pretty much any non-cash gift you want to give. Upon receipt, our Board of Trustees will review the item offered in donation to determine its value, legal obligations and usefulness for the church. Upon acceptance of an item, the donors will be sent an acknowledgement letter, including a description of the donated item and the date it was received. The Board of Trustees will determine whether we keep, sell, or auction the item for the purposes of the Church.

Life Insurance:

You can name Real Life Church as a beneficiary of your policy or a current life insurance policy can be transferred to Real Life Church, for which you will receive an immediate income tax deduction for the cash surrender value. Real Life Church can choose one of two options: cash in the policy for immediate ministry needs, or keep the policy to utilize the death benefit at a later time.

Planned (Estate) Gifts:
Giving retirement assets, bequests, trusts, etc. If you have planned in advance to give a gift as part of your overall personal financial strategy, we recommend that you discuss your decision with your tax and/or financial advisor. There are several types of gifts that may fall under this category, many of which are simple to make and do not require formal communication to us. These include:

• Life Insurance: Simply name Real Life Church as a beneficiary.

• Retirement Assets: Name Real Life Church as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k) or other qualified retirement plan. Any amounts left in your plan will transfer to Real Life Church free of income and estate tax.

• Bequests: Name Real Life Church as a beneficiary in your will, and your estate will receive an income tax deduction for the value of your bequest. A bequest written in a will can be made for either a percentage or a specific amount.

Other types of long-term planned giving include:

• Charity Gift Annuity: Cash or marketable securities can be transferred to a charitable organization in exchange for a current income tax deduction and the organization’s promise to make fixed annual payments to you for life.

• Charity Lead Trust: Cash or marketable securities are transferred to a trust, which makes fixed payments to the charitable organization over a specified period of time, then transfers the remaining assets to your heirs.

If you are interested in any of these ways to give, please contact us at