REal Life

Hope Center

Until revival moves our cities hope restores communities all generations find their REAL life and purpose in Jesus



Our Plans:

Located next to Joann’s and behind the Starbucks in Belton, we are tenant finishing a 2,500sf space to house our counseling center, youth group, and care groups. It’s all about restoration through relationships. The space has four meeting rooms, office space, and one large space for bigger groups and team huddles.  



Empowering People


Give Hope

Our team has already under written the construction cost. By giving now, you allow us to purchase the furnishings, equipment, and other items that will move with us in the future.

Serve Hope

General Serve Days

Help build hope. Every week we have multiple opportunities to serve. Typically, Saturdays from 9-noon & 1-4PM and Tuesdays from 6-9PM. Please let us know if you’d like to be contacted about upcoming opportunities.

Project Teams

If you have construction skills or an interest in serving to help establish the home Real Life Hope Center please fill out the form below and we would love to partner with you on this project.

Our PRogress

We took possession of the property on April 21, 2021 under a brand new 501(c)(3) community development organization - Real Life Hope Center. We received our Belton City Building Permit on 11/23/2021 and are currently constructing our Hope Center in preparation for our rough in inspection.