MOther’s Day

MAy 12th

Discover Peace this MOther’s Day 2024 at Real Life Church

8:30 | 10:00 | 11:30


  • High Quality Digital Pictures

  • Before And After Each GatherIng

  • Sign Up for a 5 minute Time slot when you get tickets

  • FREE, Downloadable, Royalty FREE Pictures

  • Areas to Freshen up before pics

  • PRIvAte Booths for your Family Photos

PLAN Your Mother’s day TODAY


We will have three identical Mother’s Day gathering times for you and your family to attend and enjoy the family portraits. Come at 8:30, 10:00 or 11:30. Each gathering will have modern worship, a practical message of hope, and a fun kids program for kids 2 months through 5th grade.

Gather the family and make a lifetime memory at our family portrait booths with professional photographers before or after any of our gatherings.



Whether you are returning to church for the first time in years, are interested in visiting a new church we can’t wait to celebrate with you.

  • Real Life is a fun, friendly and welcoming church. We have modern worship, a clean, safe and fun program for kids, and messages of hope straight from the Bible. Oh, did we mention coffee!

  • It is absolutely FREE for you and your family. Tickets allow us to prepare for you and your family on this big day.

  • Absolutely not! We are a church geared for people who don’t regularly go to church. Our team will ensure you feel welcomed and fit right in as soon as you drive into the parking lot.

  • Your kids are welcome to join you in a service, but if you feel comfortable we offer a top-notch kids program for nursery, pre-k & elementary aged kids. Stop by our kids check-in desk and they will give you a tour and check your kids into the appropriate room.

  • Our kids area is only accessible for Real Life kids workers or parents of checked-in kids. All kids workers are background checked and follow protocols to keep your kids safe. Our kids area is secured by an off-duty Belton police officer and our church security team.

  • In short, no. Are family portraits are available to anyone and everyone who would like to come in. Simply sign up for a time when you get a ticket.

  • Dress casually or dress up! Either way, we are happy you and your family are celebrating Mother’s Day with us!

  • When you register, if your kids are attending the worship gathering, select general admission. If your kids are going to the kids program please select Kids program admission.

  • Tickets will not be required at the door, but we have limited number of seats and space available for each service, so ticketing helps everyone have a space at Real Life this Mother’s Day.

  • Please plan on reserving your spot for each gathering you plan to attend so we can make sure to have space available in our worship center and kids program for each and every guest.


Real Life Kids

We have a secure kids program for kids 8 weeks old through 5th grade, including a Belton Police officer to help keep everyone safe. We offer three fun and clean environments for your children - Nursery, Pre-K, and Elementary.


As you arrive at Real Life Church you will be directed to a parking spot by our friendly Parking Team! When you enter the building, our Dream Team will make you feel right at home.

Worship Center

Our friendly usher team will be practicing intentional seating in the worship center as we seat you and your party.


Gather online

Tune in on any of Real Life’s Live streaming platforms